Corporate Member - Founder
Contact: Lorenzo Orsenigo, President and MD
Milan, Italy
Certification and auditing body
Founded over 30 years ago to disseminate the culture of quality, from industrial production to services. Started in the building and construction sector, at a later stage expanded the industrial sectors of interest for its services. Among its member are national sector associations, ministeries and Government technical bodies.
Since many year ICMQ is engaged in the promotion of sustainability, offering services such as: validation of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), valdation of contents of recycled material in compliance with CAM (Minimum Environmental Criteria), Envision certification for sustainabile infrastructure.
Provides its services to commissioners, designers and companies for the application of buildings sustainability protocols such as Leed (ICMQ if founding member of GBC Italia), Itaca and Breeam.
ICMQ starte up the Italian Program Operator of EPDItaly, carrying out its operational functions.
ICMQ operates in accordance with the accreditation of the single national body Accredia and the ministerial qualificiation issued by the competent authorities.
ICMQ provides certification services for:
- quality management systems, environment, BIM, prevention of corruption, energy and safety,
- products,
- professional competences as per Uni Cei En Iso/Iec 17024 regulations.