The first Webinar on Get It Fair “ESG Rating scheme” and Sistema Italia for responsible supply chains was organized by the Diligentia on 22nd February. The event was part of the OECD Forum 2022 dedicated to “Due diligence in the garment and footwear sector”. The speakers:
Sergio Sgambato (Diligentia ETS General Manager)
Cesare Saccani (Diligentia ETS President)
Maria Teresa Pisani (UN-UNECE)
Elena Mocchio (UNI – Italian Standardization Body – Head of Innovation and Development)
Emanuele Riva (Accredia and IAF President)
Lorenzo Orsenigo (ICMQ spa Chairman)
Furio Francini (Accademia Costume Moda – MD)
Domenico Mauriello (Secretary General Assocamerestero–Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad)
Sergio Sgambato (Diligentia ETS General Manager)
Cesare Saccani (Diligentia ETS President)
Maria Teresa Pisani (UN-UNECE)
Elena Mocchio (UNI – Italian Standardization Body – Head of Innovation and Development)
Emanuele Riva (Accredia and IAF President)
Lorenzo Orsenigo (ICMQ spa Chairman)
Furio Francini (Accademia Costume Moda – MD)
Domenico Mauriello (Secretary General Assocamerestero–Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad)
It is the starting point of a long term process of collaboration with national and international associations and institutions actively involved in promoting the idea of a measurable and verifiable corporate responsibility.
You can watch the Webinar video on Diligentia YouTube Channel
Here below you can download the presentations on GIF Get It Fair Rating Scheme by Cesare Saccani, President, Diligentia ETS and on Diligentia ETS Association by its General Manager Sergio Sgambato.
220222 Forum OECD Prs_Get It Fair_C Saccani
220222 Forum OECD Prs_Diligentia ETS-S Sgambato
By Sergio SgambatoPublished On: 1 March 2022Categories: Uncategorized, Rendez Vous, Uncategorized0 Comments on The first Diligentia webinar at the OECD Forum 2022Tags: corporate responsibility, measurable criteria, sustainability, validation
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