This page includes the news in the Adulting category: new rules, paper, research studies, etc.
The text of each news will be created within this site and shall be linked by the Stay Woke Newsletter and the GIF WEB Site.
CSRD – L’Italia fa ancora un passo avanti per la sostenibilità
Con il decreto legislativo sulla CSRD firmato da Mattarella il [...]
Pdr sull’assurance del rapporto di sostenibilità: via alla discussione pubblica
Il testo della Pdr UNI-Accredia-Diligentia “Rendicontazione di sostenibilità – Principi [...]
Bando Impresa Digitale 2023 – Regione Toscana
Con il Bando Impresa Digitale la Regione Toscana intende sostenere investimenti [...]
European Commission proposals of directives modification The scenario Th EU [...]
The European Investment Bank pulished a document to enlist the [...]
Pdr 102 UNI “Ethical claims of responsibility for sustainable development”
Published the UNI - ACCREDIA guideline to ISO [...]
APQI recognized the GIF Framework
We are proud to announce that APQI (Italian [...]
EU conclusions on Human Rights and decent works
The Council of the European Union approved the [...]