We are proud to announce that APQI (Italian Association for Quality Award) recognized the GIF (Get It Fair) Framework as an excellence model for assessing social responsibility for sustainable development.
APQI recently joined GIF FAM in the role of Committed and is supporting the GIF ESG Rating scheme development.
APQI develops and disseminates methods, models and tools for evaluating and improving public and private organisations. Particularly, these models models consist of a reference to the organisation and management of Awards.
APQI manages the following national initiatives:
- Italian Quality Award
- The Enterprise Safety Award (in collaboration with INAIL and ACCREDIA)
- The Enterprise Innovation Award (in partnership with Confindustria)
- The Italian Excellence Award for Public Admnistration
- The Italian Quality Award for schools
APQI also manages several models such as:
- CAF (Common Assessment Framework) for Public Administration
The GIF (Get It Fair) Framework assists enable organization to manage and assess their contribution to sustainable development.
It’s important to realize that the GIF Framework is:
- a common platform and language for social responsibility and ESG risks
- a guideline to establish, implement and improve a risk-oriented SR management system
- a self-assessment model supporting the identification of strengths points and improvement areas
- an assessment tool for evaluating the risk of adverse impacts caused by suppliers
- a reference document supporting third party assessments and recognitions
- a tool enabling the preparation of extra financial information according to international guidelines
- a pattern to bring different initiatives together into a single overall framework
- a system to encourage the sharing of internal and external good practice
In general, the GIF Framework is applicable to all types of organization in the private, public and non-profit sectors regardless of size, industry and activity.
The GIF Framework allows the integration with other existing management systems, methods and tools based on specific needs and functions of the organization.
APQI and Stay Woke will collaborate to plan and launch the Italian Award for Social Responsibility based on the GIF Framework.
Associazione Premio Qualità Italia (APQI) – Italian Quality Award Association was established in 1996 and promoted by Confindustria, University Consortium in Engineering for Quality and Innovation (Quinn) and Italian Quality Culture Association (AICQ).
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