Here you can browse through the list of topics the working Teams and Committees are presently active or that have been completed by generating new resources and tools.
Diligentia Members and Partners are invited to actively participate in the Teams and Committees.
Click here link to a “Request Form” to participate in Teams or Committees or give suggestions for new topics, which should be accessible only to Members through their password.
Are you not a member? Join in to actively participate in our groups and committees (click here).
The pillars of the Diligentia approach to Teams and committees are:
- common goal
- opinion and materials sharing
- inclusion and partecipation
- rewarding
Diligentia provides Teams and Committees with support for:
- identifying and prioritizing relevant topics
- creating groups
- setting objectives, deliverables (e.g. Position Paper, Document, etc.)
- appointing Team Leaders to facilitate the group activity
- enabling teams with our platform
- verifying and validating the groups’ outputs
- promoting the groups’ outputs (webinars, events, etc.)
- publishing our groups’ outputs in our knowledge base